Safety protocols to minimize health risks posed by COVID-19
Updated: Jan 5, 2022
We, at Buffed Wellness Group, hope you are safe and well during these unprecedented times. We're adding more safety measures to protect you. In line with the highest standards, here is what you can expect to ensure that you enjoy a healthy, safe, and clean environment on your next appointment.

Know before you go
We are operating at 30% capacity so we encourage clients to schedule their appointments via phone/mobile/online modes prior visiting. Arrive on time as slots are limited. Walk-ins may be limited. Companions not scheduled for treatment may not be allowed in the lounge.
Bring fully vaccinated cards. Only fully vaccinated guests are permitted in the lounge.
All clients must bring their own face mask to use at the lounge and throughout the procedure. We allow surgical, ear loop, or do-it-yourself masks, as well as other protective shielding.
We encourage clients to bring their own sanitizers. Alcohol pumps will be accessible to clients in different areas of the store.
Payments are encouraged to be done online/digitally to avoid contact. If this is not possible, we will be using disinfected trays to complete transactions.
Clients with temperature of 37.5 °C will be advised to go home.
Our efforts to keep you safe
Personal Hygiene of Employees & Client interaction
We emphasize proper hand washing especially before and after every treatment. 70% Isopropyl alcohol is used to sanitize hands.
Additional PPE will be provided by management to minimize risk to the employees. Wearing of face mask is a must at all times.
Uniforms are only worn within salon premises. A different set of clothes and footwear will be used during the commute to and from the salon.
When communicating with customers, we will try to maintain social distancing as much as possible
One therapist per one client is allowed.
We will minimize conversation during close contact treatments.
We offer swatches instead of nail polish bottles for shade selection. Swatches will be disinfected as soon as client has made a choice.
Overall disinfection
We will implement strict disinfecting of surfaces, tools and equipment three times a day. The schedule will be before opening, midday at 3:00-3:20 PM, and after closing.
We will use disinfectants labeled as bactericidal, virucidal and fungicidal that are in compliance with DOH guidelines.
Disinfecting mats will be placed on the entrance of the store.
For more details on our regular disinfection, visit this article.
Treatment area
Chair spacing will be arranged at least 1 meter apart to provide enough space for social distancing for customers
Areas will be disinfected BETWEEN EACH SERVICE. We will sweep the area and spray floors, beds, tables and chair with disinfectant after every client.
Tools and equipment
As we have always done since we opened, we disinfect and sterilize tools after every use. We wash tools with soap and water prior to immersion on or spraying disinfecting solution. After this, we soak the tools in BARBICIDE® (EPA registered & hospital-grade disinfection), seal the tools in sterilization pouch, and store them in UV Sanitizing Box.
Towels are definitely washed after use.
We disinfect LED lamps after each use.
We wipe down nail polish bottles with disinfectant after each use.
Please note that this list may be updated regularly.
Rest assured that your health and safety is always our first and most important concern.
Thank you Buffed team! I always feel so safe with you